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Welcome to Filter Queen Specialties
Thank your for visiting Filter Queen Specialties, an authorized Filter Queen parts and service center. Filter Queen Specialties has been in operation since 1940, and as one of the largest Filter Queen parts outlets on the internet, you can rest assured that we can supply all of your vacuum cleaner parts needs. 

Take a stroll through filterqueenspecialties.com and you'll find a wide assortment of new and discontinued hoses, wands, attachment, belts, power nozzle brushes, bearings, seals, filters, and so much more. 
If you don't see it, try using our search tool to the left, or simply contact us using the link provided on the right of the page. Many of Filter Queen parts are interchangeable from the model 350, 500, 31, 33, 92 to the 95x. If you need assistance in selecting your Filter Queen parts, just ask. Genuine Defender filters as well as some unit parts are also available for the Defender RAC2000A, RAC3000A, RAC4000A, AM4000 and D360. As an authorized service center, Filter Queen Specialties also offers repairs and services to local customers and long distance customers alike. Email to inquire about our services.